INHABITING EXILE is the collection of the photographs taken by French photographer Klavdij Sluban in 2013, in Hauteville House on Guernsey, Victor Hugo spent 15 years of his 19 years exile.
INHABITING EXILE was exhibited at Victor Hugo house-museum in Paris November 2014 till March 2015. Since April 24th it will exhibited at Writers' House.
INHABITING EXILE is the result of the partnership between Guernsey Photography Festival and Maison de Victor Hugo. On April 24th at 18:00, before the exhibition opening, Goernsey Photography Festival Director Jean-Christophe Godet and the photographer Klavdij Sluban will hold a joint public lecture which will focus on photo project INHABITING EXILE and on Goernsey Photography Festival.
Klavdij Sluban's INHABITING EXILE in the central part of Tbilisi Photo Festival 2015: Tribute to Victor Hugo, and is implemented in partnership with French Istitute.
The photo exibition will last until 16th of May, 2015.