09 May 2019
Tbilisi Fifth International Festival of Literature 2019 (TIFL)

On May 17-21 Writers' House will host Tbilisi Fifth InternationalFestival of Literature. During five days, Writers' House. together with partner organizations will give its space to literary and educational evenings and discussions. The guests of the festival will be writers USA, Italy, Poland, Macedonia, Netherlands, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries. 

Tbilisi international festival of literature has been one of the most important cultural events of the country for five years. It does not have an analogue in Caucasus region, accordingly, the festival is one of the activities that defines Tbilisi as the city that is being transformed into cultural center.

During previous festivals our guests were D B C Pierre, Etgar Keret, Viktor Erofeev, Ibrahim Al-Koni, Sergei Jadan, Tomas Venclova, Philippe Besson, Yulya Federchuk, Yurii Andrukhovich,  Isaac Marion, Vera Pavlova, and other interesting and acclaimed writers.

This year the festival will host 19 authors 15 countries, including Michael Palmer (USA), Eugene Ostashevsky (USA), Melania Mazzucco  (Italy), Valzhyna Mort (Belarus), Linda Maria Baros (France), Lev Rubinstein (Russia), Manfred Chobot (Austria).

 The main topic of Tbilisi Fifth International Festival of Literature is two poles and duality of literature. Apart international program, Georgian program is also an important part of the festival, 10 Georgian authors will talk about their literary mystifications. Futhermore, at Tbilisi FIfth International Festival of Literature the identitis of several mystificators will be revealed - they will be the ones who will reveal to us the existence of their second literary "self", during the festival days. 


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